This part-time studies certificate program consists of nine mandatory courses, which total 26 credits, focused on technological advancements in airport operations in such areas as security systems, airport master planning, airport safety, emergency preparedness and airport management practices. The majority of courses within the program are available in an on-line format, which maximizes flexibility for the student.
The 16-month BCIT Diploma Program in Airport Operations, supported and approved by the aviation industry, provides students with a comprehensive, interdisciplinary program of study. This is the only program of its type in Western Canada. To maintain a current, high-calibre standard, the program has an industry Advisory Committee made up of airport and airline managers, airport field staff from Canada's local regional and national airports, and Transport Canada representatives.
Industry support of the program also leads to many opportunities for students to meet current subject matter experts through special guest speaker events and field trips. This often eye-opening blend of regulation, perspective and application deepens understanding of the aviation industry and the inter-relationships between specialties and organizations.
Another unique feature of the Airport Operations program are the two workplace practicum opportunities. The practicums, designed to enable students to apply classroom knowledge in an aviation environment, are 90 and 150 hours long. Students are able to showcase their skills and and gain valuable work experience while providing real value to the practicum host.
To check out the Airport Operations program through the eyes of past students, please click on the label Black Box, in the right hand column and watch the student-produced videos! Or for a year in review, see the video below:
Graduates of this program have successfully gained employment with regional and international airports, airlines and consulting firms.
Entrance Requirements
The basic entrance requirements are English and Math, but whether an international or domestic student, there are a number of ways to meet these requirements. The best option is to check the website for the options that best fit your own situation: http://www.bcit.ca/study/programs/1015dipts#entry
International programs are organized through the International Department at BCIT and taught by current Aviation Operations instructors. These programs can be customized to fit the needs and expectations of international institutions. For example, check out this video to find out more about the Airport Operations and Management summer program for the National Formosa University:
International programs are organized through the International Department at BCIT and taught by current Aviation Operations instructors. These programs can be customized to fit the needs and expectations of international institutions. For example, check out this video to find out more about the Airport Operations and Management summer program for the National Formosa University:
The Airline and Flight Operations (Commercial Pilot) program is a 64-week Technical Diploma that operates for four terms. It is one of the fastest ways in Canada to qualify for a commercial pilot's licence while attaining a post-secondary diploma.
The Airline and Flight Operations Diploma program follows training standards prescribed by both Transport Canada and through the industry advisory committee, the aviation industry. It is delivered at the BCIT Aerospace and Technology Campus and with our training partner Pacific Flying Club at the Boundary Bay Airport.
For a student perspective, take a look at the Airline and Flight Operations program through the eyes of Carmen Lin, an Airline and flight Operations program graduate.
The Airline and Flight Operations Diploma program follows training standards prescribed by both Transport Canada and through the industry advisory committee, the aviation industry. It is delivered at the BCIT Aerospace and Technology Campus and with our training partner Pacific Flying Club at the Boundary Bay Airport.
For a student perspective, take a look at the Airline and Flight Operations program through the eyes of Carmen Lin, an Airline and flight Operations program graduate.