Thursday, July 22, 2010

Airport Operations Program Advisory Committee

The Airport Operations Program and the Airline and Flight Operations Program each receive  valuable input and support from a committed group of advisers - the Program Advisory  Committee.  The committees are each made up of industry experts who provide insights into a variety of issues, such as:
  • the skills that employers or potential employers are currently looking for in new employees
  • broad trends in the industry, both in terms of recruitment, and in terms of changes in technology for example
The committees formally meet with BCIT leadership twice a year, which helps to keep the programs up-to-date and responsive to the needs of employers in the industry.  In addition, members of the PACs are often available throughout the year for more informal discussions to better understand the program and the students.  Representatives have sponsored practicums for Airport Operations students, and have been on hand throughout the year to act as guest speakers and subject matter experts.  Members of the Airport Operations PAC are pictured here, just prior to the last committee meeting:  Brett Patterson (YVR), John Buckle (YVR),  Chair Lori Chambers (YVRAS), and Ian Darling (YDQ).  Missing from the photo are:  Heather Staller (YVR and program alumni), Sandra Stoddard-Hansen (Ballantree Holdings Ltd) and BCIT Gord Turner, Cheryl Cahill and Ken Takagaki

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