Saturday, January 29, 2011

Catching up with Diana Kim, Class 5

Diana Kim, Class 5
We are always happy to see alumni and hearing about their career path since completing one of the Aviation programs.  Last week, we had a chance to catch up with Diana Kim, a graduate of Class 5.

Diana is now a full-time Passenger Agent with Swissport Korea, working at Incheon Airport, where she has been working for the past 3 years.   She mainly does check-in, gates, and baggage tracing in the lost and found office for Lufthansa, Cathay and Emirates Airlines.  We asked Diana a few questions about her position and about how her training at BCIT may have helped:

Q:  What was the first job you had after graduating from Airport Operations?
A:  I was a travel agent at a travel agency in Coquitlam before deciding to return to Korea.

Q:  Did your studies at BCIT help you with your career?
A:  Yes!  It gave me an advantage when I started training with my company,  I was able to understand how things work and fit together much more quickly.  I also learned that safety is critical, and for that I credit BCIT.

Q:  What is your favorite part of the job you now have?
A:  I would have to say that I enjoy check-in the most. I really enjoy dealing with the passengers on a face to face basis.  Lost and Found can be challenging.  the recent snow in Europe caused delays and baggage problems for many passengers, many were upset and I had to deal with them carefully.

Q:  What are your future plans?
A:  With my Airport Operations diploma accepted, I recently began an MSc in Air Safety Management at the City University in London.  I completed the Airline Operations Module in April, and found it completely fascinating.  Students in the class came from a wide variety of backgrounds including airport design, flight operations and airline management.   I'm sure this will be a wonderful program and continuation of my education.    

Thank you Diana!  And good luck with your education and career!

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