Sunday, June 3, 2012

Personal Security on Campus

Your personal security on campus
BCIT takes safety and security very seriously, and as we prepare for our mock disaster exercise on June 13, it is a good time to remind members of the campus community about the safety resources available to you on a day-to-day basis.

24 HOUR PATROLS: Security staff is on patrol at the Aerospace Campus 24 hours a day. 

SAFERWALK: This service is available to anyone at any campus who wishes to be escorted. If you are at the Aerospace Technology campus and need assistance, call 604.419.3704.
BLUE EMERGENCY PHONES: These emergency phones are situated around our campuses, and emergency phones are also located inside buildings. You can pick up these phones and be connected to Security to request help, Saferwalk assistance, and first-aid.  Please take a moment to locate these blue phones as you make your way through the campus and grounds.  

Learn more about safety, security and emergency management by visiting

A REMINDER: On June 13, BCIT will be conducting its annual Disaster Exercise at the Burnaby Campus. You will see members of our Emergency Operations Centre, Depot Emergency Response, Emergency Shelter and Accommodation, Amateur Radio, and First Aid teams reacting to a mock earthquake with simulated injuries. This exercise plays an important role in keeping our skills up-to-date and we thank you in advance for your patience.

Thank you,
Glen Magel
Director, Safety, Security and Emergency Management

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