Monday, May 26, 2014

New Posting - ICAO

189-11 Airport Emergency Planning Expert
International Civil Aviation Organization - ICAO - Canada
1. Recognized technical and professional qualifications in the fields of fire-fighting, rescue techniques, disaster/emergency techniques and airport emergency plan.

2. A minimum of ten years experience as an aerodrome fire-fighter and five years experience as senior manager of a rescue and fire-fighting (RFF) organization at an international airport with more than 30,000 operations of various categories of civil aircraft per year; including demonstrated experience in the class room and on-the-job training to RFF staff and to assigned counterparts and in the preparation of organization and manpower/training plans for airport RFF establishments.

3. Experience at a senior level in the management, design and implementation of airport emergency plan, including simulated training exercises.

4. A good command of oral and written English, French or Spanish is essential.

Competencies 1. Judgment /decision–making: Proven ability to take ownership of all responsibilities and to honour commitments, to exercise mature judgment, to recognize key issues and analyze relevant information, to make feasible recommendations and to take sound decisions.

2. Communication Ability to write clearly and concisely and to present articulate verbal reports.

3. Teamwork Ability to work with colleagues to achieve the project goals and maintain harmonious working relationships in a multinational environment.

4. Leadership, vision and management of performance : Demonstrated ability to plan and guide the work of a technical team in a multinational environment, to identified priorities and adjust them as required.

5. Client Orientation: Ability to establish and maintain partnerships with external collaborators, to work and advocate effectively in a consensus-based system and to successfully manage and resolve conflict.

6. Commitment to continuous learning: Willingness to keep abreast of new developments in professional field.

7. Technological awareness Ability to use contemporary office automation equipment, software, databases.

Duties 1. Review the existing RFF and associated emergency services as well as the airport emergency plan.

2. Plan, organize and impart formal classroom and practical on-the-job training to the rescue and fire-fighting staff and to the assigned counterparts, in the effective utilization of the high speed search and rescue vessel within the overall search and rescue organizational set up of the DCA.

3. Conduct a full-scale airport emergency exercise, carry out a detailed critique and assessment of the exercise, hold formal debriefing with the airport emergency planning committee and with individual responding agencies, identify any necessary changes needed for the airport emergency plan (AEP), analyze all the comments and observations, and propose modifications to the AEP as necessary and, together with the DCA counterpart, incorporate the final changes into the airport emergency plan, and impart practical on-the-job training to the assigned counterparts.

4. Prepare comprehensive reports covering the above aspects.

5. Perform other related duties as may be required.

Salary In accordance with the ICAO Technical Co-operation Bureau (TCB) grading system. 

International Civil Aviation Organization

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