Monday, April 16, 2018

Extortion scam Advisory

The RCMP have asked BCIT to help raise awareness of a “virtual kidnapping” scheme targeting female Chinese nationals attending schools in the greater Vancouver area. To our knowledge, BCIT students have not been affected, or come forward as victims, but we want to do everything we can to bring awareness to students. 

Here are a few important points: 

  • The police have told BCIT that criminals are contacting female Chinese students and telling them that their family in China has been kidnapped. At the same time, they are also often contacting the family and telling them that their daughter in BC has been kidnapped.  
  • The suspects claim to be Chinese government officials, and they use language that makes them sound like someone working for the Chinese government. 
  • If the Chinese government needed to reach you, they would not phone you, they would send a letter or documents through the local Chinese diplomat.
  • If you receive a message or phone call like this, do not do what the caller is asking you to do. Instead, you should call 911, Crime Stoppers 1-800-222-8477, or BCIT Safety, Security and Emergency Management at 604-451-6856.    

You can find a copy of the RCMP news release in English and in Chinese here:

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