Friday, November 2, 2018

BC Aviation Council - Youth Engagement Committee

BCAC is presently seeking volunteers to join its Youth Engagement Committee

The British Columbia Aviation Council is seeking 5-7 volunteers to join its new Youth Engagement Committee. 

 An ideal Youth Engagement Committee candidate is:
  • ·         Passionate about aviation and aerospace
  • ·         An excellent communicator
  • ·         Able to work well within a team environment and independently
  • ·         Willing to volunteer 5-10 hours per month (attend online or in-person planning meetings and Youth Engagement events, as needed)
  • ·         Willing to make a one-year commitment to the team
  • ·         Enthusiastic, accountable, action-oriented, and excited to become a leader in BC’s aviation and aerospace industry

We are seeking individuals to fill three senior positions, and four student positions on the committee. No previous experience is necessary.

If you or someone you know is interested in volunteering, please submit a resume/CV and a brief cover letter addressing the following questions:
  • 1.      Why are you interested in joining the Youth Engagement Committee?
  • 2.      In what ways would you like to contribute to this team? What do you envision?
  • 3.      How might this experience help you to reach your personal or professional goals?

Please direct your resume/CV to before November 20, 2018.  

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