Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Alumni Up-date - Fiona Joyce

Fiona Joyce with instructors Mike Prosser,
Heather Madden-Johns and Margo MacNeil
Fiona Joyce, (lower left in the photo) graduated from the Airport Operations program in 2013.  Her first job after graduation was with a consulting firm in Toronto using airport design and AutoCAD skills acquired through the program.  She also credits connections first made during practicum experiences with playing a role in securing this first position in aviation.

A couple of years later, Fiona returned to Vancouver, and began working for Dexterra (then called Marquise) as an Operations Control Agent.  Next, she was promoted to the role of Supervisor.  For the past year, Fiona has been the Manager, Operations Centre Agents for Dexterra.  

Today Fiona closed the loop by returning to her BCIT roots to speak to the Airport Operations graduating class about her experience - and opportunities available with Dexterra.  

Thank you Fiona for sharing your story and advice - and thank you for the selfie too!  

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