Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Where in the World are our Flight Ops Grads?

Thanks to Mike Geaman, the BCIT reporter at large, we have a few wonderful details to share about the most recent Airline and Flight Operations graduates!  It's good news all around.  Please accept the congratulations of all the staff and students at BCIT on your new positions!

Air Tindi - Daniel Montgomery and Kevin Wang are both employed on the ramp as pilots in waiting.

Summit Air - Jonny Tena started on the ramp as well, and within a month they gave him a PPC on a Dornier 228 and he's flying as first officer now and building his hours really quickly. Jonny also had his first emergency going through an engine failure in cruise. They had to declare an emergency as they were unable to maintain altitude and they landed at the nearest strip. He is doing well!

Sunwest in Calgary - Jason Hopcraft works on the ramp as a pilot in waiting as well.

North Wright Airways- Sandy Henderson lives in Norman Wells and works as a pilot in waiting.

Arctic Sunwest ChartersRebecca Wong, Brennan Steemers, Ryan Yee and I (Mike Geaman) all work here in Yellowknife as pilots in waiting.  Ryan and I are ramp agents. Ryan is at the main base and I am at the float base for now. Rebecca is the Health & Safety person and she deals with SMS and ICS for the company. Brennan works in dispatch. We have to have set some kind of record by having so many people from one class at one company. It's also probably a BCIT record to have 7 people from one class employed in Yellowknife!

We're all enjoying it very much here, it's so much easier to move to a new city when you already have friends.  I really enjoy my job and think Sunwest is one of the best airlines to work for. The pay is good and we are treated well. We help each other and hang out a lot enjoying Yellowknife. Hopefully, sometime next year we'll start flying. Every time we get together we talk about flying and about BCIT and how awesome it is to be up here -it's definitely a life experience.

I don't have any pictures now, but when we manage to get all of us together in one spot, I'll be sure to take a picture for you.

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