Wednesday, October 6, 2010

BCAC Fall Conference and Silver Wings Banquet

From November 3 at 09:00 to November 4, at 22:00, the BC Aviation Council and the UBC Sauder School of Business present:

AVIATION BC: GATEWAY TO RECOVERY, a two day conference culminating in the annual Silver Wings Awards Banquet at the River Rock Casino, Richmond, BC

The Conference Program features three panels:

  1.  “Taking Stock — Challenges and Opportunities”, with Moderator: Dr. David Gillen, Sauder School of Business
  2. “Looking Beyond Borders”, with Moderator: Dr. Mike Thretheway, President, InterVISTAS Consulting Inc. (Canada)
  3. “Working with Partners”, with Moderator: Dale Hunt, President, ADHoc Services
The panels will explore initiatives and trends that offer opportunities for BC’s aviation industry to spur economic growth. The program also includes keynote speakers each day and numerous networking opportunities.  The afternoon program on Thursday, November 4, will feature a series of sector-specific workshops. Details will be provided at registration.

The conference program will be followed by the Silver Wings Awards Banquet when the Council will continue its tradition of helping those entering our industry and recognizing individuals and organizations that have made aviation such an important part of BC’s social and economic activity.

To register for this great annual event, please contact BCAC.

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