Monday, July 4, 2011

Maximum Altitude - HBS Tour

Hold Baggage System Tour

Heather Jo McCarley (YVR, Emergency Services) leads the
Maximum Altitude group on a Baggage Tour
Maximum Altitude held a Hold Baggage System tour at YVR on June 22nd. It was a rare opportunity for the group to experience the underbelly of airport operations.

Baggage handling is often an afterthought for passengers rushing in and out of YVR, but the amount of technology and operational expertise that goes into the system is truly amazing. The group toured the International Baggage Handling system and was introduced to the five levels of security checks established after 9/11.

Unfortunately due to technical difficulties the tour was cut short, but the experience was rewarding nonetheless.  Our thanks to Heather Jo McCarley, Manager Emrgency Planning at YVR for leading the group on this very informative tour.

Story submitted by Rex Tang

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