Monday, November 8, 2010

Central Mountain Air Career Event

Diane Hughson and Craig O'Neill from CMA 
On Friday November 5, Diane Hughson, Human Resources Manager and Craig O'Neill from Central Mountain Air (CMA) were on hand in the hub to speak to Airport Operations, Maintenance and Flight Operations students and alumni about career opportunities and processes with CMA.

Of special interest to the flight operations students in the group is the two-tiered approach that encourages low-time pilots to work positions on the ground with identified opportunities to fly.  What a great way to get off the ground! Craig O'Neill was able to explain first-hand how his experience in this program has led to his successful transition to flying the Dornier 328.

Diane also explained the requirements and opportunities with CMA for Airport Operations students and maintenance students such as Crew Scheduling (Smithers), and Customer Service or Ramp in Prince George or Edmonton.     

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