Tuesday, September 17, 2013

BC Aviation Council Reception

Sharon Weng and Candace McKibbon
The BC Aviation Council (BCAC) Reception Celebrating 75 Years took place last night at the Delta Vancouver Airport Hotel.  

MC, and BCAC Chairman, Mark Duncan remembered that the organizing meeting of the BC Aviation Council was held on September 16, 1938 in Nelson, BC.  Past chairs, and many current members were on hand to network and learn more about some exciting new initiatives such as the new Aviation Leadership Foundation Mentorship program.  

BCIT students from Airport Operations Class 19 attended for their first opportunity to network, mingle and learn about the aviation industry with people involved in almost every aspect of the aviation industry.  And senior class representatives, Sharon Weng and Candace McKibbon volunteered to man the reception desk for the event.  Thank you both!

BCAC student membership is free for all Aerospace Campus students, check out the BCAC website to find out more.     

1 comment:

  1. I was very pleased to see so many people networking like mad at our reception. That's why we do these things. Ken Ohrn Vice-Chair BCAC
